Tuesday, July 17, 2018

INFORMATION GATHERING WITH DMitry and THEHarvester to hack...


Information Gathering in Kali Linux

hacker is essentially being an information harvester. There are many information gathering techniques even before the actual hacking begins. Some practical Hollywood movies and shows have shown us how hackers can go through trash cans to gather as much information about their targets.
You would be surprised how simpler hacking a person, or their computer is when you collect bits of information about themselves that they leave all over the place, and especially on the internet.

Information Gathering Using theHarvester

This article is all about information gathering through footprinting and scanning. These are among the most important preparation steps that can make the difference between a successful penetration and a failed test. Considering that information is a weapon, you need as much information about the client and the network for a successful hack.

About theHarvester

Developed in Python by Christian Martorella, theHarvester is a tool that you use to gather information about email accounts, usernames, and hostnames and subdomains from various public sources such as social media, search engines, and PGP key servers.
theHarvester is designed to be used at the earliest stages of penetration testing. It is a simple but highly effective tool that supports a range of sources including:
  • Google (emails, hostnames, subdomains, Google+ profile employee names)
  • Bing (Emails, hostnames, subdomains, virtual hosts)
  • Pgp servers (emails, hostnames, subdomains)
  • LinkedIn (employee names)
  • Exalead (emails, hostnames, subdomains)
  • Twitter
  • Yahoo
  • Baidu
  • Shodan

Installing theHarvester

Initialize your Kali Linux OS inside the virtual environment then download theHarvester.
Download the repository folder then extract the contents somewhere easily accessible, such as the desktop. Unzip the contents of the archive onto the desktop using the command:
unzip theHarvester.zip
The contents of the will be inflated on to the desktop in the folder theHarvester.
Next, provide an execute permission for theHarvester.py using the chmod command below. Remember to switch the working directory to the theHarvester directory.
chmod 755 theHarvester.py.
Once this is done, theHarvester is ready to run using the command theHarvester. You should see detailed information including the version of theHarvester and other options.

Using theHarvester

One of the best things about information gathering with theHarvester is that its command syntax is rather basic. Using it is not as complicated as many other hacking processes and tools such as cracking passwords and hacking Wi-Fi networks, which typically have as many as ten steps.
The first step in using theHarvester is initializing the program from the shell. You can do this by typing:
Here is an outline of theHarvester’s command syntax:
#theharvester -d [domain] -l [results_limit] -b [data_source]
When you use the above query on your chosen domain, theHarvester will return a list of email addresses depending on the limits you set in [results_limit]. You can then choose the HTML file to save the results, and where to save the file for further reference using the parameter -f.
For instance, if you were to run a query on a workplace’s website to gather email addresses of all the employees, you could use this syntax:
#theharvester -d companywebsite.com -l 100 -b google
That is pretty much it. With this simple command, theHarvester will crawl all over the internet snatching up all information that fit the criteria you specify.
You can also carry out a search of the information you want on all search engines at once using the option -all in place of the [data_source]. Your syntax would then look like this:
#theharvester -d companywebsite.com -l 100 -b all

More theHarvester Options

Besides limiting the maximum number of results the number of results and the source of data, there are some excellent parameters and options that you will find useful as you master the art of information gathering using theHarvester. These include:
  • -s: Start in result number x. The default is 0.
  • -v: Verify the host name using DNS resolution and search for any virtual hosts.
  • -n: Carry out a DNS reverse query on the ranges discovered.
  • -c: Carry out a DNS brute force for the specified domain name.
  • -t: Carry out a DNS TLD expansion discovery.
  • -h: Use shodan database to query the hosts discovered.
  • -e: Use this DNS server.

Information Gathering with theHarvester – Video Tutorial

This following video will show you how to use theHarvester in Kali Linux. It also discusses a couple of bugs you may encounter while using theHarvester.

Information Gathering with DMitry

DMitry (Deepmagic Information Gathering Tool) is a command line application coded using the C language that you can use to gather as much information as possible on and about a host. This tool’s base functionality is to gather information on email addresses, subdomains, system uptime information, domain whois data, TCP port scans, etc.

Setting Up DMitry

You can run DMitry from the Kali Linux shell or you can use the downloadable GUI application. To download DMitry using the shell, use the following command:
# wget http://mor-pah.net/code/DMitry-1.3a.tar.gz
Use the following commands to install the tool:
# tar xzvf DMitry-1.3a.tar.gz
# cd DMitry-1.3a/
# ./configure
# make
# sudo make install
If you would rather use the GUI application, you can download the latest version 1.3a from one of these links: Link 1 or Link 2.
When the download is complete, you can then install the FreeBSD package on Kali Linux.

Using DMitry

You can start DMitry from the Terminal using the command:
# dmitry
If you installed the GUI application, you will find a shortcut to the tool under:
Application> Information Gathering> Live Host Identification > dmitry
Simply click on the link, and the app will start.
Just like theHarvester, DMitry has a rather basic command syntax. For instance, to carry out a whois lookup of a host IP address, simply enter the command in this format:
dmitry -i [IP_address]
For example, to look up the whois information of the IP address, you would enter:
dmitry -i
You will use -w when performing a whois lookup of a domain name.
dmitry -w companywebsite.com
To carry out a search for possible subdomains on a domain name, you will use the -s command. The syntax will look like this:
dmitry -s companywebsite.com
Use -p in the command syntax to carry out a TCP port scan on a target IP address. The command would look like this:
dmitry -p
When you want to carry out a TCP port scan on a host and filter the output report, use the -f command. This is particularly important to identify which ports are protected by a firewall and which ones are not. You must add -p to this command to successfully scan and filter the results. Your command would look something like this:
dmitry -pf companywebsite.com
The -e command is used to carry out a search for all email addresses linked to a domain name. The command syntax looks like this:
dmitry -e companywebsite.com
Use the -n command to find netcraft information about a host (check out netcraft.com). This will include uptime information where available. The command should look like this:
dmitry -n companywebsite.com
To save the output results you find using dmitry, use the -o command and specify the filename. If not specified, the default name will be host.txt.
dmitry -e companywebsite.com -o company_emails.txt

Information Gathering with DMitry – Video Tutorial

The following video will show you how to use Dmitry to perform enumeration on a target. This includes looking up subdomains, email addresses, and performing a TCP port scan.


I cannot emphasize strongly enough how important information gathering is to the whole process of hacking. When you carry out proper reconnaissance by collecting all the information you can about a host, it will increase the chances of finding vulnerabilities in a system, hence saving you time and effort.
There are quite a number of great tools you should know about including:
  • Parsero (leverages information contained in the Robots.txt file of web servers.)
  • Wireshark (analyzes network protocols. It is very popular with corporations and educational institutions.)
  • ntop (shows in-depth network usage information.)
  • Casefile (built for offline use.)
  • Maltego (used to scan for network vulnerabilities and finding IP addresses.)


If only we know everyone else’s, and no one knew our own. In today’s article, we will learn how to hack any password easy. We will highlight two very potent and very modern tools that hackers use to crack passwords.
The end user security in the hierarchy of information processing, the user, primarily keeps data safe on a computer using a password. But there just as there is a tool to pick any lock, there is a tool to crack (almost) any password. The tools that we are going to use in this guide are John the Ripper and Hydra Password Cracker.

John the Ripper Tutorial

Let me introduce you to John the Ripper. This free password cracking tool was initially built for the Unix operating system. It works so well that it is now available on over 15 different platforms.
John Ripper is a password testing and breaking app that combines various cracking techniques (or packages) that autodetect password hash types and even has a customized cracker. It is a formidable tool to use or try to break many types of encrypted password types used on Unix-based operating systems. Extendability features such as MD4-based passwords and hashes stored in LDAP or MySQL makes John the Ripper the most popular tool used by blackhat and whitehat hackers. If you want to learn how to hack any password easy, John the Ripper is the first password cracking tool to begin with.

Step 1: Preparation

The Linux operating system stores passwords in a shadow file inside the /etc./ folder. For this exercise, we are going to create a folder, save it in that location, then attempt to crack it using John the Ripper. We will create a new user “admin” for the Linux Kali system with a simple password “password123.”
root@kali:~# adduser happy
Adding user `happy' ...
Adding new group `happy' (1001) ...
Adding new user `happy' (1000) with group `admin...
Creating home directory `/home/admin' ...
Copying files from `/etc/skel' ...
Enter new UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: password updated successfully
Changing the user information for happy
Enter the new value, or press ENTER for the default
   Full Name []:>
   Room Number []:
   Work Phone []:
   Home Phone []:
   Other []:
Is the information correct? [Y/n] y

Step 2: Unshadowing Password

Next, we will use the unshadow command to combine the data inside the /etc/shadow and /etc/password to end up with a single file with the password and username details of the user account we will attempt to crack using John the Ripper. We will name the file usr.
root@kali:~# unshadow
root@kali:~# unshadow /etc/passwd /etc/shadow > ~/usr

Step 3: Wordlist for Password Cracking

The new file will be cracked by John the Ripper. We will use the password list that comes with the tool on Kali Linux. The password is list stored in the directory:
In the future, you will be able to generate your wordlist to use to crack a user password. Enter the following command:
root@kali:~# john --wordlist=/usr/share/john/password.lst ~/usr
Loaded 2 password hashes with 2 different salts (sha512crypt [64/64])
Password123 (admin)
guesses: 1 time: 0:00:00:21 DONE (Wed Jan 11 07:21:08 2017) c/s: 300
trying: sss
Use the "--show" option to display all of the cracked passwords reliably
John the Ripper was able to crack the hash to find the password “password123” for the user “admin.” This was possible because the password “password123” was one of the possible passwords in the Passwords list. This way you can learn how to hack any password using a wordlist. If the actual password were not on the list, the crack would have failed.

Step 4: Password Cracking Without a Wordlist

It is possible to use John the Ripper to crack a password without providing a list of possible passwords. As a budding hacker, you will want to try and see if this method actually works.
On your Kali terminal, enter the following code to remember:
root@kali:~# john ~/filename
The /filename in the code demo above represents the file where the user password is stored.
According to the documentation on openwall.com, John the Ripper will try the “single crack” mode first and if it does not work, use an available wordlist with rules, and if this is not successful, switch to “incremental” mode.

Using John the Ripper Hacking Tool – Video Tutorial

In the following video, you can see a quick demonstration of the use of John the Ripper for password cracking. Check it out and learn more about how to hack any password easy.
I should point out that your installation of Kali Linux comes with another password cracking tool called Ncrack. To find it, navigate to Kali Linux’s list of tools by clicking on Application > Password attacks. Ncrack is right there. It is described as a high-speed network authentication cracking tool that was designed to help companies secure their networks proactively by testing all their network and network devices for poor passwords. You can read more about this tool here.

Hydra Password Hacking Tool

Best known as “THC-Hydra“, hydra password cracker is a powerful online password attack tool that uses brute force hacking combination and other password cracking combinations on live internet services such as http, https, smtp, snmp, ssh, smb, and telnet among others. This tool supports over 30 protocols including those secured with SSL and brute forces services using wordlists and userlists. It’s a powerful password cracking tool that you use to learn how to hack any password easy. Hydra has four working modes:
  1. One username One password mode.
  2. Userlist and one password mode.
  3. One username and password list mode.
  4. Userlist and password list mode.
What makes Hydra one-of-a-kind password cracking tool is that it is a fast connection password brute force tool that is also flexible with tons of new modules always available to add with ease. There are lots of password lists out there that a hacker such as yourself will get familiar using, you can find them with a simple Google search.

Hydra Kali Linux Tutorial

For a password brute force tool to work (no matter which tool you use) you need to have a list of possible passwords that the software will use. You can also use a list of passwords that come with John the Ripper – it is pretty much the same thing, or download hydra password list.
You can find Hydra on Kali Linux by going to Applications > Password Attacks > Online Attacks > Hydra. When you click it, it should open on the terminal. Alternatively, you can easily use the command hydra on the terminal to initiate this tool.
Crack Passwords with Hydra in Kali Linux
If Hydra is not pre-installed on your version of Kali Linux, you can set it up by entering:
apt-get install hydra-gtk
Hydra uses the following command for a typical basic attack:
Hydra -l username -p passwordlist target
The username is a single username such as “user” or “admin” or can be a list of usernames. The passwordlist is typically a text file that contains the possible passwords to match the username, and the target is the service or host to that authenticates the credentials. The target can be an IP address and port number or a specific web form field.
You can check the passwords that come with Kali Linux default in the directory /usr/share/wordlists by first going to the directory:
root@kali:~# cd /usr/share/wordlists
Then listing the contents of the directory:
root@kali: /usr/share/wordlists# ls
Dirb fasttrack.txt metasploit-jtr w3af.txt
Dirbuster fern-wi-fi metaspoilt-pro sqlmap
Dnsmap.txt nmap.lst wfuzz.txt
To use hydra to crack a password, use the command format illustrated in the previous example, replacing the placeholders username, passwordlist, and target with actual information.

Using Hydra Password Cracker on Web Forms

Continiuing our guide on how to hack any password using the Hydra password hacking tool, you should be aware of the fact that there is a level of complexity in using Hydra on web forms. This is because you have to provide more information parameters that the form needs. However, the syntax is pretty much the same as above.
To use hydra on a web form, you will need the URL, form parameters, and failure string instead of the IP. This means your command would be structured like this:
root@kali: /usr/share/wordlists# hydra -l admin -p
/usr/share/wordlists/mypasswords.txt 8080
Hydra -l username -p passwordlist <url>:<formparameters>:<failure string>
Unfortunately, using Hydra on a webform is beyond the scope of this article. We could go into detail with demonstrations and examples, but this tool alone would need an entire book to cover how you can use it to hack into Facebook, Gmail, or any other formidable online service.
The most critical of the parameters required to crack an online web form using Hydra is the failure string. This is the text that the form returns when Hydra attempts incorrect username and, or password combinations. This information is vital because Hydra needs to know when an attempt fails so it can move on to the next attempt.

Bruteforcing with Hydra – Video Tutorial

You can read more and discover the many features, and practical examples of using Hydra and its advanced features on the Kali Linux web page, or check the following video demonstration on how to bruteforce popular protocols with Hydra.

How to Hack Any Password Easy

I recommend that you practice the use of John the Ripper and Hydra Password Cracker on forms where you know the username and password before using it out “in the wild”. Remember to set up Tor and VPN so you will stay anonymous while performing any hacking attacks. Also, make sure to check my previous tutorial on Nmap hacking to get more familiar with the hacking tools in Kali Linux. I hope this short password cracking guide taught you how to hack any password easy. Keep learning, my hacker novitiates, as we continue to expand your repertory of hacker techniques and arts!



1. White hat hacker

2. Gray hat hacker

3. Black hat hacker

White Hat and Grey Hat Hacker & What is the Real Difference?
What is worse, the public is not able to understand terms like grey hat, white hat, Linux OS, or cracker.
However, the truth is that the subculture of the hacker world is more complex than we think. Especially if we consider that, these are very intelligent people.
So, what is ethical hacking white hat and how does it differentiate from grey hackers? The only way to find out is to submerge ourselves in the world of hackers and understand, at least, the most basic concepts.
What Is A White Hat Hacker?
A hacker can be a wiz kid who spends too much time with computers and suddenly finds himself submerged in the world of cyber-security or criminal conspirators. On the other hand, he can be a master criminal who wants to obtain huge amounts of money for him, or even worse, dominate the world.
In the movie Matrix, the concept of hackers changed a bit. Although the agents of the Matrix considered them terrorists, the truth is that they were rebels fighting for the liberty of humanity. Things do not need to reach that extreme, though. We are not at war with intelligent ma chines so that kind of scenario is a bit dramatic.
Therefore, a hacker is an individual who is capable of modifying computer hardware, or software. They made their appearance before the advent of computers, when determined individuals were fascinated with the possibility of modifying machines. For example, entering a determine code in a telephone in order to make free international calls.
When computers appeared, this people found a new realm where they could exploit their skills. Now they were not limited to the constraints of the physical world, instead, they could travel through the virtual world of computers. Before the internet, they used Bulletin Board Systems (BBS) to communicate and exchange information. However, the real explosion occurred when the Internet appeared.
Today, anyone can become a hacker. Within that denomination, there are three types of hackers. The first one is the black hacker, also known as a cracker, someone who uses his computer knowledge in criminal activities in order to obtain personal benefits. A typical example is a person who exploits the weaknesses of the systems of a financial institution for making some money.
On the other side is the white hat hacker. Although white hat hacking can be considered similar to a black hacker, there is an important difference. A white hacker does it with no criminal intention in mind. Companies around the world, who want to test their systems, contract white hackers. They will test how secure are their systems, and point any faults that they may found. If you want to become a hacker with a white hat, Linux, a PC and an internet connection is all you need.

Grey Hat Hackers
A grey hat hacker is someone who is in between these two concepts. He may use his skills for legal or illegal acts, but not for personal gains. Grey hackers use their skills in order to prove themselves that they can accomplish a determined feat, but never do it in order to make money out of it. The moment they cross that boundary, they become black hackers.
For example, they may hack the computer network of a public agency, let us say, NOAA. That is a federal crime.
If the authorities capture them, they will feel the long arm of justice. However, if they only get inside, and post, let us say, their handle, and get out without causing any kind of damage, then they can be considered grey hackers.
If you want to know more about hackers, then you can attend one of their annual conventions. Every year, hackers from all over the US, and from different parts of the world, reunite and meet at DEF CON. These conventions are much concurred. In the last one, 6,600 people attended it.
Every year, DEF CON is celebrated at Las Vegas, Nevada. However, hackers are not the only ones who go to this event. There are also computer journalists, computer security professionals, lawyers, and employees of the federal government. The event is composed by tracks of different kind, all of them related, in some way, to the world of hackers (computer security, worms, viruses, new technologies, coding, etc). Besides the tracks, there are contests that involve hacking computers, l ock picking and even robot related events. Ethical hacking, white hat hacking or whatever names you wish to use, at the end, it has a purpose: to protect the systems of organizations, public or private, around the world. After all, hackers can now be located anywhere, and they can be counted by the millions. Soon, concepts like white hat, linux operating system or grey hat will become common knowledge. A real proof of how much has our society been influenced by technology.

Black Hat Hackers
Black hat hackers have become the iconic image of all hackers around the world. For the majority of computer users, the word hacker has become a synonym for social misfits and criminals. Of course, that is an injustice created by our own interpretation of the mass media, so it is important for us to learn what a hacker is and what a black hacker (or cracker) does. So, let’s learn about black hat techniques and how they make our lives a little more difficult.
Black hat is used to describe a hacker (or, if you prefer, cracker) who breaks into a computer system or network with malicious intent. Unlike a white hat hacker, the black hat hacker takes advantage of the break-in, perhaps destroying files or stealing data for some future purpose. The black hat hacker may also make the exploit known to other hackers and/or the public without notifying the victim. This gives others the opportunity to exploit the vulnerability before the organization is able to secure it.
What Is Black Hat Hacking?
A black hat hacker, also known as a cracker or a dark side hacker (this last definition is a direct reference to the Star Wars movies and the dark side of the force), is someone who uses his skills with a criminal intent. Some examples are: cracking bank accounts in order to make transfernces to their own accounts, stealing information to be sold in the black market, or attacking the computer network of an organization for money.
Some famous cases of black hat hacking include Kevin Mitnick, who used his black hat hackers skills to enter the computers of organizations such as Nokia, Fujitsu, Motorola and Sun Microsystems (it must be mentioned that he is now a white hat hacker); Kevin Poulsen, who took control of all the phone lines in Los Angeles in order to win a radio contest (the prize was a Porsche 944 S2); and Vladimir Levin, which is the handle of the mastermind behind the stealing of $10’000,000 to Citigrou.
Hope you understand Hackers Types.




 DOWNLOAD LINK= https://www.parrotsec.org/download.fx

Parrot Security OS (or ParrotSec) is a Linux distribution based on Debian with a focus on computer security.[1] It is designed for penetration testing, vulnerability assessment and mitigation, computer forensics and anonymous web browsing. It is developed by the Frozenbox Team.



ParrotSec is intended to provide a suite of penetration testing tools to be used for attack mitigation, security research, forensics, and vulnerability assessment.[2]


Parrot is based on Debian's testing branch (Buster), with a custom Linux 4.16 kernel. It follows a rolling release development model.[3]
The desktop environment is MATE, and the default display manager is LightDM.[1]
The project is certified to run on devices which have a minimum of 256MB of RAM, and it is suitable for both 32-bit (i386) and 64-bit (amd64) processor architectures.[4] Moreover, the project is available for ARMv7 (armhf) architectures. It even offers an edition (both 32-bit and 64-bit)[5] developed specifically for servers to carry out cloud service penetration testing.
In June 2017, ParrotSec announced they were considering to change from Debian to Devuan, mainly because of problems with the highly controversial systemd.[6]

Other Editions

Parrot has multiple editions that are based upon Debian, with various desktop environments available.

Parrot Home

Parrot Home is a special edition of Parrot designed for daily use, and it targets regular users who need a lightweight, always updated and beautiful system on their laptops or workstations. Parrot OS Commands PDF The distribution has the same look and feel of a regular Parrot environment and includes all the basic programs for daily work. Parrot Lite also includes programs to chat privately with people, encrypt documents with the highest cryptographic standards or surf the net in a completely anonymous and secure way.
The system can also be used as a starting point to build a very customized pentesting platform with only the tools you need, or you can use it to build your professional workstation by taking advantage of all the latest and most powerful technologies of Debian without hassle.

Parrot Studio

Designed for students, producers, video editing and all related professional multi-media creation. This edition's goals are to provide a reliable workstation for a multi-purpose computing.

Parrot ARM

A lightweight Parrot release for embedded systems, aimed for simplicity and portability. Supported hardware brands are Raspberry Pi, Orange Pi, Pine64, and Cubieboard.

Release frequency

The development team has not specified any official release timeline, but based on release changelogs and the notes included in the official review of the distribution, the project will be released on a monthly basis.


Date Version Codename
2013-06-10 The project was started
2013-06-17 Parrot 0.1 Pre-alpha
2013-06-22 Parrot 0.2 Pre-alpha
2013-06-30 Parrot 0.3 Pre-alpha
2013-07-10 Parrot 0.4 Pre-alpha
2013-08-22 Parrot 0.5 Alpha
2013-10-21 Parrot 0.6 Alpha
2013-11-12 Parrot 0.6.5 Alpha
2013-12-06 Parrot 0.7 Pre-beta
2014-01-12 Parrot 0.8 Beta
2014-01-24 Parrot 0.8.1 Beta
2014-03-05 Parrot 0.8.2 Beta
2014-04-17 Parrot 0.8.4 Beta
2014-06-25 Parrot 0.9 Final beta
2014-07-21 Parrot 1.0 Hydrogen
2014-09-02 Parrot 1.1 Asphalt Dragon
2014-09-11 Parrot 1.2 Asphalt Dragon
2014-10-22 Parrot 1.4 JailBird
2014-11-06 Parrot 1.4.2 JailBird
2014-12-12 Parrot 1.6 JailBird
2015-02-05 Parrot 1.7 CyberLizard
2015-02-21 Parrot 1.8 CyberLizard
2015-04-04 Parrot 1.9 CyberLizard
2015-09-12 Parrot 2.0 Helium
2015-09-15 Parrot 2.0.1 Helium
2015-10-06 Parrot 2.0.4 Helium
2015-10-17 Parrot 2.0.5 Helium
2016-01-16 Parrot 2.1 Murdock
2016-02-25 Parrot 2.2 Glitch
2016-06-18 Parrot 3.0 Lithium
2016-07-26 Parrot 3.1 Defcon
2016-10-15 Parrot 3.2 CyberSloop
2016-12-25 Parrot 3.3 CyberBrig
2017-01-01 Parrot 3.4 CyberFrigate
2017-01-02 Parrot 3.4.1 CyberFrigate
2017-03-08 Parrot 3.5 CyberGalleon
2017-05-18 Parrot 3.6 JollyRoger
2017-07-09 Parrot 3.7 JollyRoger
2017-09-12 Parrot 3.8 JollyRoger
2017-10-15 Parrot 3.9 Intruder
2017-12-15 Parrot 3.10 Intruder
2018-01-29 Parrot 3.11 Intruder
2018-05-21 Parrot 4.0 stable
2018-06-04 Parrot 4.1 stable

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Top 8 Sites like Craigslist: Alternatives to Craigslist


Top 8 Sites like Craigslist: Alternatives to Craigslist

                         In Short Hacks: Are you looking for Similar Sites like Craigslist? Then You are landed to right place. Here we have posted all craigslist alternatives that you can use to buy and sell old and new products in 2018.
Top 7 Sites like Craigslist: Alternatives to Craigslist
Best Sites like Craigslist: itechhacks.com
The Internet is home to all the websites which are available all over the world! There are numerous websites used by people to buy and sell products or carry out any other similar transaction.
Craigslist is one such American Online Network, founded by Craig Newmark, to provide services to a large number of people across the country. Classified Ads and forums posted by various people pop up at the site, and everything is viewable for all the users of the site, which is entirely free. The service of the network includes sale advertisements, job opportunities, personal assistant and forums that are pertinent to certain subjects. The users, however, are required to pay while posting a job opportunity.
Sites like Craigslist: Although many people consider it useful to find goods and services online, there are a few hindrances and blocks on Craigslist. Hence, here we are to provide you with the list of all the useful Craigslist alternatives.
Also Read: Top 5 Sites like Couch Tuner: Alternatives To Couch Tuner

Sites Like Craigslist: Craigslist Alternatives 2018

#1 FinderMaster:

Top 7 Sites like Craigslist: Alternatives to Craigslist
FinderMaster || itechhacks
FinderMaster certainly has all the characters you expect from a classified ads site and this is why it has made it to the number one on this list. It basically is a great alternative to Craigslist as you easily can see the similarities between these sites through your first visit. You also will be surprised by how easy it would be to find services or items on this site. Don’t wait any longer, go ahead and visit it now

#2 eBay Classifieds:

Sites Like Craigslist | itechhacks
eBay Classifieds tops in our list of best Craigslist alternatives. This site provides the same service as Craigslist does, only with the elimination of personal ads. The number of postings of jobs, sales, rents, etc., outnumbers Craigslist sometimes. eBay has got a user-friendly design which enables the abilities of the users to sort the likable items with the photos of it.

#3 Pawngo:

Sites Like Craigslist | itechhacks
Pawngo | itechhacks.com
Pawngo is quite different from what the Craigslist offers. This site does not post job listings or cohabitation rentals but does deal with valuable goods like jewelry and techs that are put up for sale just like the name itself suggests. Pawngo team bring the offers to the users based on the quoted resale value of the items that are brought for the purpose of selling.
Also Read: Top 10 Best Free Movie Streaming and Downloading Websites

#4 Recycler:

This is a site where selling of goods happens in a much simpler manner. Anything could be brought up for sale, from a used laundry machine to sell an apartment. This site also offers to bring much easier search tool for the users to make it less difficult.

#5 U-Exchange:

Sites Like Craigslist 2018 | itechhacks
U-Exchange | itechhacks.com
The concept of barter system is incorporated when it comes to using U-Exchange. This is the site where you trade your goods for something else you might need from the other seller. During the bartering, the seller’s product must be carrying the value same as the other seller’s good, in order to equalize the values of the two different goods brought by the two sellers for exchange.

#6 Hoobly:

Hoobly is much similar to Craiglist in its design and usage. Unlike Craiglist, this site asks the users to register to the site to minimize spam and unrelated ads popping up. There are a number of categories such as Business and Industrial, Employment and Careers, Jewelry and Gems, etc.

#7 Adoos:

Sites Like Craigslist 2018 | itechhacks
Adoos | itechhacks.com
Adoos is nothing different from any other Craiglist alternatives or the Craiglist itself. There is no special email address, and password is required to register to the site. It could be logged in through Facebook to optimize the product search. The major setback of this site is too many uninterested ads which have to be transcended to find the thing you are looking for.

#8 Oodle:

Sites Like Craigslist 2018 | itechhacks
Oodle | itechhacks.com
Oodle is contemplated as the biggest contender of Craigslist because it emerges posts from not only its own site but also posts owing to other sites. It has different sections for searches, segregated based on the listing of the items that one is looking for. The superlative aspect of Oodle is that it owns mobile app.
Also Read: Top 8 Best Kickass Torrent Alternatives (KAT Working) 2018


These were some of the best alternatives to Craigslist website. You can try them out and know which one suits you the best. Also, if we have missed out on your favorite Craigslist alternative, then please let us know about it in the comments section below.

15 Tech Hacks Facts That You Need To Know About ?


15 Tech Hacks Facts That You Need To Know About ?

                                 In Short Hacks: In this article, we will be discussed about latest technology facts and ideas that you all need to know about. Many of you probably know these but one must be given a quick read over this article.
15 Tech Hacks Facts That You Need To Know About ?
15 Tech Hacks Facts That You Need To Know About?
The world has a number of multinational tech giant companies such as Apple, Google, WhatsApp, Facebook etc. And on top of all these is the internet.There are many famous facts about these tech hacks giants which most of the people know about. But, there it’s always a second side to a coin. Many of you probably know with these Technology Interesting Facts but many are not. But, for a tech fascinating guy these facts are must be known according to a study.
Once someone says to itechhacks that, Your knowledge is Your Weapon, but it’s a lot of other things, too. Knowledge the gives you the opportunity, it makes you think big and it can generally improve your quality of life.
Hence, we are going to shed some light on some of the hidden facts about these tech giant companies which are not known to a lot of people. So let’s get started with the list and know what these tech facts are all about.

15 Tech Facts That You Need To Know About?

These Facts are collected from the Internet. We are not claiming them right or wrong. 
Fact 1. Google makes uses a web tool called ‘foo.bar’ to recruit new employees based on their search history on Google. People getting hired from this tool must be really into some research field or extremely lucky.
Tech Hacks Facts
Tech Hacks Facts
Also Read: Top 10 Awesome Interesting Websites To Kill Your Time
Fact 2. Google owns common misspellings of its own name. Some of the Web address with misspelling are www.gooogle.com, www.gogle.com, and www.googlr.com.
Fact 3. Google takes good care of its employees. Google employees in the US get death benefits which guarantee that the surviving spouse will receive 50% of their salary every year for the next decade.
Fact 4. There is a rotated version of Google known as ‘Google Mirror.‘ It shows everything in a mirrored avatar. However, it sounds funny and pointless at the same time.
Tech Hacks Facts
Did you Know Tech Facts?
Fact 5. Google has advanced much more in other fields too since it acquires a company every week. Also, it is constantly trying to look out for the fields of development.
Fact 6. You can format the text that you type in WhatsApp by adding symbols in front of and after words.
For bold add asterisks to either side of a word or sentence, e.g. *bold*
Italicise a message with underscores, e.g. _italics_
To strikethrough text and tildes, e.g. ~strikethrough~
Tech Hacks Facts
Tech Hacks Facts
Fact 7. For the details about the total amount of data used by WhatsApp, you can go to Settings >> Data Usage >> Network Usage. In the Data Usage menu, you can restrict the amount of data WhatsApp users by only allowing the app to auto-download images, audio, video, and documents when your phone is connected to Wi-Fi.
Fact 8. Due to the newly launched update, you can share documents directly from your Google Drive and iCloud Activation Drive into a WhatsApp chat. You can easily add these documents since a direct option is available.
Fact 9. Apple invented the first mass-marketed digital camera back in 1994. The ‘Apple Quick Take 100’ could take only 8 photos at a time. It was then sold for $749 which is rough $1,000 today.

Did you Know Tech Facts?

Tech Hacks Facts
Tech Hacks Facts
Fact 10. The name “Macintosh” was inspired by an actual variety of apple. Jef Raskin, who was an Apple employee, is known for naming the machine after his favorite variety of apple. It is said that Macintosh was only a code name and that Steve Jobs wanted to rename the project “Bicycle,” but the name Macintosh prevailed.
Fact 11. The original Apple Logo featured Isaac Newton sitting under an apple tree with an apple about to hit his head. The logo was created by the less known founder of Apple, Ronald Wayne and was widely used in 1976.
Fact 12. The first webcam was created at the University Of Cambridge to monitor the Trojan coffee pot. A live 128×128 grayscale picture of the state of the coffee pot was provided.
Fact 13. The internet requires 50 Million horsepower to keep running in the current state.
Fact 14. Approximately 9 Million adults in Britain and one-third of Italians have never used the internet.
Fact 15. The modern World Wide Web also known as www inventor, Tim Berners-Lee was knighted by Queen Elizabeth.
Also Read: Top 15 Best Cool Prank Websites On Internet 2017
Wrap Up: These were some of the hidden or the least known tech facts about these tech giant companies in the world. If you have something to share about such facts them please let us know in the comments section below.

Biggest Data Breach (120+ Million Jio Users Leaked) Ever in India


Biggest Data Breach (120+ Million Jio Users Leaked) Ever in India

                               Jio customers information is leaked and accessible online currently, Jio maintained it’s 120+ million users.
Biggest Data Breach (120+ Million Jio Users Leaked) Ever in India Jio Database Leaked
Jio Biggest Data Breach
MagicApk‘, No WHOIS Info, No Public Domain information. Yes! This website is only responsible for biggest data leak ever happened in Indian history. It could be the biggest data breach ever in India, Over 120+ Million Users data got leaked with their full information. The information contains Full Name, Alternative Number, Aadhar Card Number, Email, Circle ID etc.
All details can be found publicly on a website magicapk.com simply by inputting any Jio number. Around magicapk.com Since it’s domestic cybersecurity dilemma jio takes it and hackers will probably be punished. Everybody after understanding this fact attempted to look at their information by inputting their Jio number and discovered their sensitive information such as first and last name, alternative no., Mail identification, sim activation time and date and Aadhar details too.We tried discovering the facts about the person who owns the domain name but appears to be concealed and marked confidential. We discovered that people who obtained the Jio sim card in ‘Preview Offer‘ are affected most.
PC: fonearena
“Jio says users information is very secured and we will take strict action against these information leakers.”
A little Information about MagicApk
  • The website is located enrolled on GoDaddy and two months old domain
  • The domain name information is confidential, it appears hackers might have place domain coverage so that nobody may see domain details.
  • It appears the site is hosted on a free hosting supplier
Well, This is a matter of concern.
According to the owner of the website, They will have come back very soon with more data leaks. When we put ‘MagicAPK on Google search this is what we found:
Magicapk back soon
MagicApk back soon PC: itechhacks.com
In a declaration, a Reliance Jio spokesperson stated prima facie the information seems to be unauthentic. “we would like to guarantee our users that their information is secure and preserved with the greatest safety. Data is shared with the government in accordance with their requirement. We’ve educated law enforcement agencies concerning the promises of the site and will follow to guarantee stringent action is required,” the spokesperson said in a written reaction.
Read: Bitcoins in 2017? A Long Guide: How To Get Bitcoins, Wallets, Miners
Stay Tunned for upcoming latest tech news and tricks and tips.We will keep you updated with latest Jio News more about this, stay tuned and do support..!

Root or Unroot Any Android Device Without PC? Explained

Root or Unroot Any Android Device Without PC? Explained

                           In Short Hacks: Nowadays, we are openly talking about “Android Rooting.” Why do we need to Root Our Android Device? Many apps require Granted Root Permission Like WPA/WPS tester to hack WiFi, Some of Screen Recorder Apps or to install any Custom ROM there.
Root or Unroot Any Android Device Without PC? Explanied
Root or Unroot Any Android Device Without PC? Explanied
There are many techniques on the Internet that allow a user to root their Android smartphone/tablet without using Computer or PC. But have you tried those tricks? If yes, then it might be possible that few of those are useless and not working anymore.However, those techniques end with showing that your device is not compatible to root without PC either it requires Custom ROMs.
If you have tried to find how to unroot a rooted Android device, then you could not find any working solution. Yes ! it happens to me as well. But AT the end I have shared a working link from where you guys can learn an amazing way to Root Your Android Device Without PC/Computer, and we also add how to unroot it back.
Also Read: How To Root Android Device Without PC/Computer 2017

Tip #1: How To Unroot Android With PC?

Well, every single blog has shared How could you root android? But no one ever has been shared how to unroot it? Then this simple trick might be useful for those who are looking on How to unroot an android device?
On PC: To Unroot your Android device, Follow below steps
Step 1: You need to install an App/Software name KingoROOT.
Step 2: Now you need to Connect your Android device to your computer via USB cable. (Device that is ROOTED)
Step 3: Click “Remove Root” to start when you are ready
These are the few basic steps that you would have use to unroot your device (USING PC)

Tip #2: How To Unroot Android With Device itself?

This is quite easy, as it was for PC. All you need to do is the app which you have used to ROOT your android, you have to open that app, and in the setting section you have to search “FULL UNROOT.” Tap on it..and It will Unroot your device for sure.
So Above are the few necessary steps to unroot your rooted device. But You should have to concern while rooting your device. To make it safer, I suggest you Learn a Proper and automated way to root your device without using any PC/Computer.
Also Read: How To ROOT Android Phone in One CLICK
Wrap Up: Thanks! For having there and spend a good read on this post. Hope this Method would be the best technique for you. If it is, Then don’t forget to share it with others so that your friends could also get aware of these such Tricks of Android Rooti

Top 10 Best iCloud Bypass Activation Tools Free Download 2018

Top 10 Best iCloud Bypass Activation Tools Free Download 2018

                                     In Short Hacks: Download Best Free iCloud Activation Tools of 2018, if you are looking for bypass tools for iPhone to unlock and wants to bypass your iCloud activation or remove your icloud account then below we have listed top 10 best iCloud bypass tools and explained it in details. So that by following latest methods, you can easily Bypass iCloud Activation of 2018.
Top 10 Best iCloud Bypass Activation Tools Free Download 2017
Top 10 Best iCloud Bypass Activation Tools Free Download 2018
Apple devices are considered to be the most secure devices in the world. However, there are always some tricks using which even the most secure devices can be breached. Here, we are going to discuss the tools which you can use to Bypass iCloud Activation. iCloud is an official app of Apple Inc. You can use this app to synchronize your iTunes account so that you can access all the files over the internet. iCloud gets locked on a second-hand device or on a device which gets stolen. You need to activate your icloud on your device with AppleID and password every time you reset your device to start using it.
iCloud Activation Bypass No Survey: Billions of iOS users out there in worldwide. And in all the iPhone devices there is an icloud id which is required for every iPhone that we purchased newly. As this iCloud ID is the only official Apple account by which we can take backup and secure our data. However, if you purchase an iPhone from other country or import it from a somewhere else nation then you need to enter the apple id and password on your iPhone that you have registered and if you don’t have your icloud id and password then you are unable to access your imported and second-hand iPhone. If you are in search of a right working tool to remove iCloud ID from iPhone or if want to bypass iCloud Activation permanently? You’ve come to the right place. Here we are the list of top 10 best free iPhone iCloud Bypass Activation Tools. So let’s take a look at these tools which will allow you to bypass icloud activation permanently. icloud bypass.top’
Also Read: Top 10 Best Cloud Storage App For iOS

How To Bypass iCloud Activation 2018?

You may found hundreds of different methods to remove iCloud activation. But There are few of them those are working perfectly fine. No Worry! 🙂  I will tell you the best of them that will work flawlessly and you will easily bypass all your iPhone feature without having any ID and password as well. The methods provided by to unlock iCloud Activation is working in all iPhone like iPhone 7, iPhone 6, iPhone 6+, 5S, 5C, 5, 4S,9 iPhone X and iPhone 4.
Also Read: iPhone Hacking Tricks & Security Tips

Best iCloud Activation Bypass Tools Download 2018

#1 iCloudin: Best iCloud Activation Bypass Tool

iCloud Bypass Activation Tools 1This tool is compatible with almost every Apple device. This tool makes the unlocking icloud process quite simple. It is entirely free of cost and can be used easily. iCloudin comes with tutorials which guide you through the whole process. This tool is supported on the following iOS versions iOS 9.0, iOS 8.1, iOS 8.0.2/1, iOS 8, iOS 7.1.1 , iOS 7.1, iOS 7.0.6, iOS 7.0.5. icloud activation bypass tool v1.4 download

Why do I Use this iCloud Bypass Tool?

• iCloudin is completely free and easy to use
• iCloudin is very easy to use steps by steps
• The above video hhelpsyou get started and walk you through the entire process
• iCloudin works on most iOS devices


• This iCloudin bypass tool’s website is a little bit cluttered so you may experience a few problems finding what you are looking for.
• iCloudin is yet to be rated by those who have used it so there is no clear reputation rating for it.

#2 Open my iCloud Bypass Tool

This is another widely used tool for unlocking or bypassing icloud ID. Open my iCloud tool works efficiently at a faster rate as compared to other tools. The developers claim that this tool can bypass your icloud in 10 minutes. This tool is compatible with almost every Apple device. Also, it is compatible with the following iOS versions iOS 9.0, iOS 8.1, iOS 8.0.2/1, iOS 8, iOS 7.1.1 , iOS 7.1, iOS 7.0.6, iOS 7.0.5. It even allows you to unlock your device using the IMEI number of that device. bypass icloud activation tool.zip download free

Why do I Use this iCloud Bypass Tool?

• Open my iCloud allows you to unlock or bypass your iPhone iCloud in under 10 minutes.
• Open my iCloud works with all iOS devices and all iOS.
• Open my iCloud Allows you to use your phone’s IMEI code to unlock your iPhone.


• Open my iCloud only comes with a Windows download. icloud activation ios 10
• Open my iCloud allows iPhone 6S Plus, iPhone 6S, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6, iPhone 5S , iPhone 5C, iPhone 5, iPhone 4S, iPhone 4, iPad Air, iPad Mini, iPad 4/3, iPad 2

#3 Doulci iCloud Unlocking Tool

iCloud Bypass Activation Tools 1This is another efficiently working tool used for bypassing icloud. It allows you to run your very own icloud bypass server. This tool is free to have and easy to use. You will find helpful support and tutorials in this tool. This tool is supported on all iPhone, iPad and iPad touch models. The iOS versions which support this tool are iOS 7, iOS 7.1, iOS 8, iOS 9. icloud activation lock removal
Download | Not Working

#4 iCloud Bypass Tool

iCloud Bypass Activation Tools 1
iCloud Bypass Activation Tools 1
You can use this tool for bypassing iCloud activation, to remove the iCloud account or to bypass the iCloud lock. This is a multi-purpose tool. iCloud Bypass Tool is compatible with almost every Apple device. It is supported by the following iOS versions • iOS 9.0, iOS 8.1, iOS 8.0.2/1, iOS 8, iOS 7.1.1 , iOS 7.1, iOS 7.0.6, iOS 7.0.5.

Why do I Use this iCloud Bypass Tool?

  • Doulci iCloud Unlocking Tool is free for use
  • Doulci iCloud Unlocking Tool is very easy to use
  • The tutorials will help you start and guide you through the whole process
  • Doulci iCloud Unlocking Tool runs on most iOS devices


  • Doulci iCloud Unlocking Tool website tool is a bit messy so you may experience some problems finding what you are looking for.

#5 Remove iCloud Activation Lock Tool

Using this tool, you will be able to bypass iCloud with ease. Remove iCloud Activation Lock Tool is entirely free of cost. Also, it is very easy to download and use this tool. This tool is supported on all iPhone, iPad and iPad touch models. iOS versions iOS 7, iOS 7.1, iOS 8, iOS 8, iOS 9 support this tool. bypass icloud activation tool.zip download free

Why do I Use this iCloud Bypass Tool?

  • It is a professional working tool that is run by professionals so you do not have to worry about using any software.
  • It is easy and efficient.
  • The service has a great reputation among those who have used it before.


  • You have to pay for the service. Prices are $ 20 and depend on the amount you pay on your device.

#6 iCloud Bypass Tool – GadgetWide

iCloud Bypass Activation ToolsEven this tool performs similar functions and is among the best tools used for bypassing iCloud activation. You get help and support along with tutorials in case you need some guidance through the process. Downloading this tool is free of cost. Also, using this tool is quite simple. iCloud Bypass Tool is supported on these iOS versions iOS 7, iOS 7.1, iOS 8, iOS 9. It is compatible with almost every Apple device.icloud bypass

Why do I Use this iCloud Bypass Tool?

  • One of the most highly skilled tools on the market
  • It is free to download and use
  • Highly efficient and easy to use


  • You have to download the software to your computer before using this tool

#7 Bypass iCloud Activation Tool

The website version of this tool offers ‘Round Tool‘ which provides support for any issue around the clock. Bypass iCloud Activation Tool directly connects to Apple’s server to activate your iCloud. However, this website seems to be quite complicated as compared to other such tools. bypass Apple iPhone icloud activation

Why do I Use this iCloud Bypass Tool?

  • It is easy to download and use
  • the website provides round tool that issues the clock support for anyone.


  • It is a bit more complicated to use than the others we have seen before

#8 Remove iCloud Activation Tool

This tool permits you to remove your iPhone’s iCloud activation permanently. and the best part is it won’t delete your data. Your data has been safe and You need not pay any amounts to buy this bypass activation tool. You can download this tool from below’s link.

Why do I Use this iCloud Bypass Tool?

  • It is totally free
  • It is easy to download and use
  • Developers will give you information and great support


It does not have a very high rating among users

#9 iCloud Easy Bypass Tool Release

iCloud Bypass Activation Tools 4
iCloud Bypass Activation Tools 4
Another best free iCloud Activation Bypass tool that can be used to unlock your iPhone iCloud activation or you can easily remove iCloud ID from the device. It comes with a tutorial to help you understand and use effectively.